Teeth whitening aftercare

Teeth whitening takes about 2-weeks to start seeing your ideal results. During this time, you’ll be wearing your trays and the whitening solution for about 30-minutes every day.

The whitening solution we use at Smiles and Smiles is made up of hydrogen peroxide, a bleaching agent which will be provided in the perfect quantities based on the goals you want to achieve. Hydrogen peroxide does not damage your teeth when used properly and with professional guidance.

What should you not do after teeth whitening?

There are a number of foods, drinks and habits that you should endeavour to avoid after having your teeth whitened.

Foods and habits to avoid after teeth whitening

It’s recommended that during the treatment process and after the results are achieved, you avoid certain foods or drinks that might stain your teeth, making it more difficult for you to reach your desired shade!

We recommend avoiding the following:

  • Tea & coffee
  • Red wine and beer
  • Soy sauce
  • Turmeric
  • Rich or brightly coloured fruits
  • Fruit juice
  • Smoking and vaping


As well as the above, make sure you practice great oral hygiene at home by brushing your teeth twice a day (or more if you do happen to consume one of the things above), using mouthwash and floss and avoid biting your nails, as this can impact sensitivity.

How to rehydrate teeth after whitening

Any pre-existing sensitivity is often made worse during whitening as the process can also dehydrate your mouth and teeth.

The good new is dehydration is a temporary issue and rehydrating your teeth can take anywhere from 2 to 7 days.

The best way to keep your teeth hydrated is by drinking plenty of water!

After whitening, it’s crucial to eat a healthy diet for at least 24-48 hours. Avoid eating or drinking anything that is very hot or cold. It’s also important to generally stay hydrated.

Your saliva contains vital nutrients that aid in the natural rehydration of your teeth. You won’t create as much saliva if you aren’t well hydrated; drink room temperature water through a straw to aid with sensitivity difficulties.

What are the causes of tooth discolouration?

While deep and rich coloured foods and smoking can impact tooth discolouration, the most common cause of changes in colour and staining is often poor dental hygiene. Discolouration will appear as spots or marks on the surface of your teeth and in the gaps between the teeth. They will appear as yellow or brownish in colour, depending on how developed they are and whether or not they are increasing a build up of tartare.

If you do have a build tartare, a visit to the hygienist is absolutely necessary, however if you only have discolouration or stains, whitening could be a great solution for you.

How long does teeth whitening treatment last?

The effects of whitening can last several years, however, this will vary from person to person and their lifestyle and habits. Following the list above is a great place to start. If you do smoke or consume foods and drinks that are known to stain your teeth, your whitening will last only a very short period of time.

What can I do to prolong my results?

Any discolouration in the future can be easily managed however with an occasional ‘top up’. It is unlikely you will need the same level of colour lifting as your first treatment.


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